Diskuse o permakulturních titulech

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Re: Odkazy, linky

Příspěvekod pierro » ned 21. bře 2010 10:55:38

S úctou Martin.
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Re: Diskuse o permakultuře

Příspěvekod PermaMax » stř 14. bře 2012 23:55:42

I'm afraid it's not entirely correct information you are writing; I'm sorry you don't ask me (or Jaroslav) before doing so?

Here's the international facts about teaching and PDC:

"Here is the updated and corrected language from the Pc Education site: PDC graduates are absolutely encouraged to start teaching and consulting *with others* after receiving their PDC certification. However, it is highly-recommended that if the graduate does not have prior related experience, that they spend their first 2 years co-teaching and consulting along with other qualified teachers.

After 2 years of research or field work, graduates may work with their regional Vice Chancellor of the Permaculture Academy to apply for the Diploma in Permaculture Design. The graduate must organize a portfolio of research and/or design work and submit it with a letter from their original PDC instructor or another Permaculture Diplomate. You do not need the diploma as a qualification to consult or to teach Permaculture courses."

To the issue about Diploma's: PK(CS) accepted the UK system which was presented to them at the 7th internationaI Permaculture Convergence (IPC7). This system was never presented at the IPC7 in public, and has never been internationally recognized. Contrary the system is no longer in use in several countries who did introduce it back ni '04-'05.

To the best of my knowledge there exists no international standards for Diploma's in Europe. I am aware that France has developed their own system, and that Stella of Chaotic permaculture is working on standards.

As for me personally:
I received my PDC after a course in PermaLot in 2002 taught by Patricia Konckova and Marcel Suske (and often part taught by me). I had actually LIVED permaculture for years in the mountains of USA before that.

After requesting guidelines several times I finally received the 'European guidelines' as made by the 'European PC secretariat' in Copenhagen in 2003. My diploma work was recommended by 2 diploma holders and it was accepted by the Danish PC organization to be presented at the IPC7 in Croatia in 2004. It was written into the program. As I traveled there I was told by Andy Langford that the 'Europen guidelines' were no longer in use, and that I had to make it according to the system he had designed (and pay him a fee)...and that I earliest could present a year after!
My diploma work was displayed on 14 A3 posters during the whole of the IPC7 for a 'gathering of peers'. Formally it is written that a 'diploma work has to be presented for a gathering of peers'.

It was my last involvement with the much too anarchistic and back-stabbing permaculture scene in Europe. I'm aware that Jaroslav Svoboda is also disgusted with the organized PC structures and prefer to remain ...Svoboda...! To the best of my knowledge it is correct that he never received a PDC, however he translated one of the chapters in Holmgren's book 'Permaculture-Pathways beyond sustainability' and join an advanced course we hosted with David Holmgren (+he arranged a seminar by Holmgren in Prague). More importantly Jarda has read an amazing amount of litterature about the subject.

A frequent critique of Jarda is that his main focus in garden/landscape and not so much the other aspects of PC.
A frequent critique of me may be that I focus on the other aspects of PC and not so much on the garden/landscape.
Fact is that this is the name of the game. Patrik Whitefield is a very well recognized PC teacher, and his approach is just like Jarda's.
Stella (Stefania Strega-Scoz ) is also a very well recognized PC teacher, but her focus is system theory, much like me.
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Registrován: úte 13. bře 2012 12:58:39


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